Insights On Diana Yampolsky's Business Trip To Sacramento, California!
Ms. Yampolsky's trip to California, USA is now complete!!!
During her stay, she was successfully taught, consulted and repaired voices - from May the 8th to May the 19th 2019.
And on that note, we would like to forward you an amazing testimonial from two of Diana's voice repair clients.
This collective testimonial is from Raphaelle Tamura - celebrated spiritual teacher, healer & clairvoyant from Sacramento, California, USA. and Michael Tamura - a celebrated spiritual teacher, mentor, radio announcer, clairvoyant visionary & an award-winning author, also from Sacramento, California, USA.

At the end of March 2019, Michael Tamura came to us to Toronto, Canada to obtain Ms. Yampolsky's very unique voice instruction, coupled with natural herbal and some homeopathic treatment.
Michael is a celebrated spiritual teacher, mentor, radio announcer, clairvoyant visionary & an award-winning author.
His voice was damaged during an unrelated surgery which left him with a partially paralyzed vocal cord. Nonetheless, his speech was compromised, as his original injury, by extension, had also caused his vocal cords not to work in synch with each other - and thus, made his vocal cords unable to achieve the complete closure. That voice disorder is called *Sulcus Vocalis* (Gap between the vocal cords) - which does cause the inability of those vocal cords to work correctly.
Needless to say that the patients with the above-described conditions experience raspiness and hoarseness during their speech, difficulty swallowing and often an uncontrollable cough. Nevertheless, such patients also experience what is called *Vocal Fatigue*. They have difficulty speaking, and thus end up spending a lot of energy in order to produce any sound.
Also, Michael told us that his wife, Raphaelle, has been suffering from a lot of allergies and other health-related problems. So after completing his 30-hour voice repair course and treatment (the protocol) and achieving the desired results, Michael told us (in more detail) about Raphaelle's condition. Apparently, she had also experienced a compromised speaking (and also singing) voice.
On that note, Michael decided to bring Diana to Sacramento, California to work on Raphaelle's voice and health - and also get a refresher for himself.

"There is no one like Diana Yampolsky and her work in the world. If you want to be trained by her, please be prepared for a true "boot camp" of vocal training with a most unusual and gifted teacher. The training isn't just of the voice but of the "whole self" in a sense - she uses an interesting mixture of techniques to help her clients get back on track with their real voices for speaking and for singing - and for how the voice is to be used for the rest of a person’s life.
My husband, Michael J Tamura, had vocal damage due to a mistake made in a non-related (to vocal cords) surgery and my own voice has been having intense issues for years due to acute allergies and long-term incorrect use of my voice. We are both spiritual teachers (Michael is an author and I am a soon-to-be-published author as well) plus we are radio show hosts and use our voices every day in our for our TeleClasses and seminars, so a great-sounding voice is beyond important to both of us. Also, I lost my singing voice with the allergies and feel it is now starting to come back in full force. Further training will get me there 100%, I’m sure (I took the first thirty hours of training for my speaking voice only and Michael took two rounds of thirty hours for working with his surgery-damaged voice. To improve my singing, I will at some point take another round from Diana. I am utterly thrilled with the improvements I already see.)
Diana is a highly experienced, technical voice expert with a long and successful history in helping many people from every kind of background you can imagine with the healing of a huge variety of vocal issues - all without surgery. Important Note: This training is not for the faint of heart: You must have a full commitment, an open mind, humor and a true willingness to heal your voice in this unusual yet natural, non-surgical way. When you do take her vocal training, you'll be so incredibly glad you did. Both of our voices have improved beyond our expectations with the level of training we have taken with her, and they continue to improve each and every day."
Voice Damage Prevention through Vocal Science!
Give yourself or your loved ones the gift of a healthy voice!!
Vocal Science (TM) - We Got This!!
Find out how we can assist you with your voice/vocal issues (if you have any) in a fast and efficient manner.
We produce astonishing and unprecedented results...!
We employ our best efforts to guarantee the best possible achievements! &
Our Address:
52 Hollis Crescent
Holland Landing, Ontario Canada, L9N 1E9
Phone: 416-857-8741