Congratulations to The Royans Professional Vocal School, a Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair with its 41st Anniversary today (February the 15th, 2025)
The Royans School was opened on February the 15th, 1984.
We have been open to serve the singers, artists and people who needed our unique Non-Surgical Voice Repair, while, concurrently saving their voices, careers, relationships, and resolving their family matters.
We are committed to continue our successful journey for some years still to come!
Special Announcements:
We Pay Your HST (13% tax) Event!
All of Our Services to new out of town/country clients, will be offered in Canadian Dollars!
These offers will be in effect until March 1st, 2025.
Congratulations to The Royans Professional Vocal School, a Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair with our upcoming 41st Anniversary on February the 15th.
We have been open to serve the singers, artists and people who needed our unique Non-Surgical Voice Repair, while concurrently saving their voices, careers, relationships, and family matters.
We are committed to continue our successful journey for some years still to come!
I have more and more inquiries from people who used to sing for some time in the past; and suddenly, (or at least so they thought), lost their singing range and some of them even lost their singing voice altogether.
Needless to say, they had their speaking voice compromised as well...
Read More Here:
In Lieu of our upcoming 41st Anniversary and due to popular demand, we would like to announce that we just extended all of our special promotions up until the 20th of January (2025).
We hope that it will help you financially to easier afford our services and it will help us as well to celebrate our next milestone!
Thank you for reading!
We are really looking forward to meeting many of you we have not yet met and, nevertheless, deliver to you our very unique Vocal Science™ Method at its best!
NO HST (13% tax) Special!
Also receive free herbal and some homeopathic remedies with the 20, 24 and 30-hour courses and treatments combined with unique voice/vocal coaching.
For All Of Our Treatments and Courses Listed Below, We Are Offering One Free Night In The Hotel On Us for Our International or Out Of Town Clients:
The 20-Hour Urgent/Express Introductory/Exploratory Super Accelerated Exploratory Course:
It can be delivered within 5 consecutive days (4 hours a day of instruction and treatment conducted over two sessions of 2 hours duration each with a break for lunch/dinner in between). The fee for this course is $5,950 (No tax/HST)
It will include 1 herbal + 1 homeopathic remedies, free of charge.
The 24-Hour URGENT/EXPRESS Super Accelerated Course
This course can be delivered over 6 consecutive days.
The fee for this course is $6,950 (No tax/HST).
This Course Includes:
- 2 Herbal Remedies + 1 homeopathic remedy, free of charge
- 1 Bonus hour of our Unique Voice/Vocal Instruction and Treatment
The 30-Hour Super Accelerated Vocal Immersion Course and/or Non-Surgical Voice Repair Course:
Will cost a discounted $7,500 with no tax/HST.
This course can be delivered over 7.5 consecutive days plus 1 day off (8.5 days in total).
It will also contain:
- For this Course and Treatment we Offer The Essential Herbal Kit Free of Charge (a value of $335 + taxes (when applicable)
- We are offering TWO Nights On Us for This Course and Treatment
Vocally Speaking:
Cleaning Out the Body and Nevertheless…. “Vocal Debris”.
Building the New, Clean and Strong Human Machinery.
The Rule of Holistic Teaching; Cleansing (cleaning) and Building!
That means a healthy diet and healthy exercise.
It’s a known fact that in a healthy body, there resides a healthy spirit!
For a long time, I was stating that: Your voice represents your spirit.
The voice is a reflection of the state of your being and the identification of who you are.
I’ve said that for years, and it has been “tested, tried and proven” repeatedly!
The clean diet would consist of high protein, low carbs, low sugar, low salt and no acid…
Our 3 worst enemies:
- White Sugar
- White Salt
- White Flour
Also, a night of good sleep will, no doubt, boost good immunity.
The lack of sleep weakens the immune system and that is how you become more susceptible to all kinds of viruses, infections and various disorders.
She is flying to her dreams to become a pop star… she definitely became lighter and healthier using the new diet and the exercise.
Now, let’s examine how it affects the voice.
If your system is backed up (colon), it will directly affect your voice.
You will be feeling full, but unsatisfied and most likely, even depressed.
That will reflect on the “health” and quality of your voice, as your voice also will sound dark, and low - thus directly reflecting the state of your being.
However, it is a “Catch-22”, as if due to poor vocal technique or the misuse or overuse of your voice you damage it, then no matter how clean your diet is, how much sleep you have gotten or how much you exercise, the damage will still prevail.
“He is training to help him to become a hard rock singer”
However, the good news is: That due to your good deeds/routines, the recovery of your voice will be much smoother, much faster, and much less invasive.
Evidently, it is best of all to have both - a clean body, a motivated and inspired spirit and a viable, good voice/vocal technique - which is guaranteed to prevent voice damage down the road!
So the moral of it is, to keep the body clean and vibrant, and watch your diet with that - while also watching your intake of salt, sugar and white flour - remember that those 3 are your THREE WHITE EMEMIES!!
Do not let any “enemies” invade your body, as not only your body, but your voice will suffer quite a great deal.
Between a clean body and uplifted spirit, we will ensure your voice performance will be at its best.
Become aware that everything you consume, eat, and drink throughout the day will affect the quality and health of your voice.
You do not want to sound like a Hamberger with Fries and/or, during the holidays, like a stuffed Turkey (with mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing) - that will definitely identify you as a stuffed Turkey.
If you need any help either with the Vocal Science™ Method and its very unique voice/vocal technique, and/or the natural supplements (which have been carefully selected by us personally), please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone call.
We would be more than happy to help you restore your voice if needed, or to create a totally new voice with your improved state of being!
Needless to say, please lose your bad habits (if you have any) such as smoking, drinking, drugs and etc.
Also, use your voice in moderation, and please do not yell or scream - as even my housekeeper while speaking, literally screams like crazy.
Over the many years that she's worked for me, I think I finally got through to her by warning her that she might lose her voice (God-forbid) altogether if she continues like that.
One of my former accountants, who had her own business, kept losing her voice every so often until I actually treated her with my holistic approach including natural herbs and homeopathic remedies.
I also administered a non-surgical voice repair course for her - and down the road, I conducted the same voice course also along with natural treatments for her secretary.
Her secretary was the opposite of my accountant, as she was mumbling on the phone something very quietly and nobody could understand her until I put my hands and expertise on her.
So after that, she became a very prominent secretary and no longer faced a fear of being fired. She ended up staying with my accountant for many years to come.
Your voice is the tool for communication (speaking and also, singing), so please do not break the tools, but rather save them and protect them so that your voice can last you for a lifetime.
Today is Black Friday!
We invite you to celebrate it with us.
Starting today, and through Monday inclusively, we will offer you our famous event:
“We Pay Your HST (tax) Event”.
For Seniors, aged 65 and over, on top of the above special, we will offer 10% off of any of our courses and/or herbal remedies.
Hurry, as “Black Friday” will not last forever!
However, we still have Cyber Monday coming up - and then you are welcome to use our new E-Store.
Actually, a couple of days ago, we got a really big order for our Supreme Natural Herbal Kit and potentially a 30 or 40-hour course for a well-known singer.
Due to confidentiality reasons and protocols, we, unfortunately, are not allowed to disclose any names without their written permission to us.
This person underwent an operation, as he injured his vocal anatomy.
So a top neurology surgeon performed a vocal operation on him a few years ago.
And it actually did work for a little bit…
But, opposed to what some people think (especially those with voice damage and what have you - like for example RFK Jr - the future US Minister of Health), he as well thought he would fly to Japan, do a clearly unneeded operation and then go straight to the presidential podium…
But as we already all know, after his Botox and whatnot that was applied to him during and after the surgery was worn out, he started to sound much worse than even before.
The myth of it is, that the majority of people are thinking that it is about their voice….
It is somewhat about their voice - but mainly it is about the application of the speaking and/or singing voice… and unless you have that proper voice application (which is not easy to instill) you will never feel safe about your voice health - you will stand on stage dying of panic, keeping your fingers crossed and praying - since you never when your voice will crack and give out…
But the proper technique and the proper application of your speaking and/or singing voice will ensure the health and length of your voice for a lifetime, because you will not be guessing - you will know for a fact beforehand (hearing in your inner ear and in your mind) what kind of sound will come out of your vocal apparatus.
In other words, the alignment of what you hear and what you desire to hear, has to be congruent with the desired sound you are producing!!
So be good.
Be well.
Stay vocally (and otherwise) safe!
Important Announcement:
In case you are wondering…
And therefore, we are not doing anything remotely or virtually (for that matter) - WE WORK ONLY IN PERSON!
If you feel that you cannot travel to us in Toronto Canada for a few days, then please refer to somebody else who can accommodate your “virtual learning” needs!
Sue D., Singer/Songwriter from Canmore, Alberta:
"I came to you with a hemorrhagic vocal polyp and with intense vocal fatigue. Surgery had been recommended and I was on the wait list for that surgery. I was getting hoarse quickly and my range was diminished from what I know I can produce as a singer. Speaking wore me out in no time. I went to Ontario with the attitude that if this experience did not fix me, at least I would be in a stronger place to recover after surgery. I spent 30 hours with Diana one on one, and she worked me extremely hard. It was exhausting and at times frustrating, but I clung to her words (and still cling to them) - "Ahead and only ahead"...
Read more of Sue's story and testimonial here:
Case Study of our recent International Client, (a Businessman from Paris, France) with the Diagnosis of Sulcus Vocalis and Who Undergone 40 Hours of His Successful Voice Course and Natural Herbal Treatment:
Our recent international client Cedric H. (from Paris, France), 38 years old, had suffered from Sulcus Vocalis for 3 years, as nobody was able to rectify it.
That definitely affected his business, as he lost confidence in presentations and never knew when his voice was going to cease.
Here is his testimonial after he had undergone a 40-hour course and natural herbal treatment (conducted by Widely-Renowned Master Voice/Vocal Coach and Non-Surgical Voice Repair Specialist Ms. Diana Yampolsky), which had been delivered to him over 10 consecutive days...
Read Cedric's Feedback and Testimonial Here:
We would like to announce to you our Special Promotions Dedicated to the Halloween Celebration.
These highly discounted promotions will run from October 17th, 2024 until November 1st, 2024 inclusively.
Inquire for more details/rates of these promotions.
Special Perks Include:
With the 24-Hour Urgent/Express Course:
- 2 Herbal Remedies + 1 homeopathic remedy, free of charge
- 1 Bonus hour of our Unique Voice/Vocal Instruction and Treatment
- Exclusive discounted rate

Vocal Paresis (Paralysis) - The Causes and Consequences:
More and more, in my practice (in over four decades), I have been hearing about and treating the devastating vocal disorder - Vocal Paresis, also known as Vocal Paralysis.
The interesting thing is that a lot of other vocal disorders are usually caused by speaking and/or singing in the wrong (and often aggressive) way.
Vocal Paresis, as well as, (for example) Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD), quite often have additional reasons for their occurrence.
Read more here:
Our student of 1996, Lukas Rossi, who won in 2006 the television show Rockstar SuperNova doing very well.
For all these years, he's been residing in Los Angeles, Nashville and now, Florida.
This is his latest reel of his performance of the same song with which he won Rockstar SuperNova.... 18 years ago!
Also this year, he released the interesting song named, "Alien is Me".
Listen to it here:
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
We would like to remind you that our Special Promotions Dedicated to our (Canadian) Thanksgiving Holiday will be over tomorrow Tuesday, October 15th, inclusively.
We hope that you will take advantage of this amazing opportunity and put your serious commitment to work.
Read more here:
Hi Everyone,
We would like to remind you that our Special Promotions Dedicated to our Canadian Thanksgiving Holiday will be over soon - On the upcoming Tuesday, the 15th of October, inclusively.
We hope that you will take advantage of this amazing opportunity and put your serious commitment to work.
(Please note, that for the most part, our business is fully international.
So all of those special promotions mentioned above are good for new clients in Canada, US and Worldwide!
Please Note:
*For executive/celebrity clients - NO specials are ever applicable.)
In fact, a lot of you are saying (for nearly 41 years of our existence) that you are serious and committed...?
However, when it comes to supporting your interest (that you have been expressing for many months and even years) with a financial commitment - a lot of you are not able to follow through...
We are aware about the difficult financial situation everywhere in the world, and therefore, from time to time, we are slashing our fees for our courses and treatments, in lieu of trying to make them more affordable for all of you.
However, some of you are not paying attention to what is going on in our world and nevertheless, even in your world by extension. Thus, you are still wasting a lot of time (of yours and ours) with all kinds of conversations and correspondences, but when the time comes to make (especially) financial commitment, you are not there...
So our request for you is:
Please read our Newsletters carefully and decide for yourself if you are able to make such a commitment(s), including the financial one.
This way it will save us and you valuable time, and, nonetheless, the energy consuming effort from our side.
We can always talk to you at a later date when you are coming from the point of strength, not weakness, and when you are fully committed to travelling to us to Toronto Canada (please note that we do not do anything remotely) and take us up at our absolute best and individually dedicated to you services and offers!!
We are true to our cause and we would like you to be true to your cause while you are contacting us or remaining on our newsletter from 10 or even 20 years... but, however, are still not offering any action from your side.
Please be diligent and true to your cause as well, and we, in turn, promise that you will not regret getting into a business and, most importantly, your voice health relationship with us!
We are looking forward to hearing from you and delivering the Vocal Science™ Method at its absolute best!
This is our promise and commitment to you!
To our Canadian Clients:
Happy Upcoming healthy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Be thankful and grateful for what you have and what you do not have yet, but are thriving to embark upon!
Our very best to you all!
- The Management of The Royans Professional Vocal School
A Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair
Now Available as an E-Book on our new E-Commerce Store:
"In “Vocal Science™ – Flight to the Universe”, Diana Yampolsky defines the principles that will allow you to reach your full potential as a singer and performer and illustrates them with numerous examples culled from her years as a Vocal Coach/Consultant-Producer/Health Practitioner."
Our Back to School Special Is Ending in a Few Days On Monday, September 30th.
Option 1:
Mini Introductory/Exploratory Course consisting of 5 + 1 hour bonus of our very unique voice/vocal instruction powered by the Vocal Science TM Method.
This course takes place over 3 days with one 2-hour session each day.
The cost of this course is $1,375 - TAX INCLUDED!
For New Local Clients Only and/or New Short Distance International Clients (East Coast USA)
Option 2:
We are offering 2 complimentary hours to our Introductory/Exploratory 10-Hour Course.
We now offer 12 hours for the price of 10 hours and also for a limited time, we are offering to pay your 13% tax (HST).
This course will consist of 3 consecutive days of 4 hours of instruction (and when needed, treatment) each day.
This course includes our Essential Herbal Kit consisting of 3 products - 2 herbal and 1 homeopathic remedy.
This course applies to new local and East Coast USA International Clients.
The cost for the above described is $2,750 (NET).
We use our own Vocal Science™ Method - Copyrighted and Trademarked by the Government of Canada and Worldwide!
We also received Appreciation from the Ontario Heritage Trust for our achievements and unprecedented results in the field of non-surgical voice repair.
Bleeding/Haemorrhaging Vocal Cords/Folds – How does that happen? Is there a Sufficient Treatment and Possibly, Cure?
The Vocal Science™ Method, which possesses its completely unique and revolutionary voice/vocal technique (which I developed), suggests using less of the regular vocal anatomy known to humans and more of the subsidiary anatomy (facial muscles working in full conjunction and coordination with their abdominal muscles), which actually produces more efficiency in the human voice with less (or none at all) strain on the vocal cords and vocal box in general. Nevertheless, the vocal cords can manage only so much harmful pressure of the sound.
Read more of our informative blog here.
Our Back to School Special Starts Now Until September 30th:
Our Labour Day Special Starts Today (August 29th) and Will Be In Effect Until Monday, September 2nd (Labour Day)
Nevertheless, we are still Continuing Our
Which just got extended by our Management Office until September the 15th.
Introductory-Exploratory Session/Course of 10 Hours for an Exclusive Price with NO TAX and Bonus of 2 herbal + 1 homeopathic remedy.
We also have two more courses which we are offering for people who are not able to spend too much money or too much time, but want to receive a more substantial benefit comparable to our other courses and treatments consisting of more hours spent with us:
One of them is our 20-Hour URGENT/EXPRESS Super Accelerated Introductory/Exploratory Course (With Basic+ Herbal Kit - 3 herbal remedies and 1 homeopathic remedy).
It can be delivered within 5 consecutive days (4 hours a day of instruction and treatment within two sessions of 2 hours duration each with a break for lunch or dinner in between of those sessions).
The Second Special Course is our Introductory/Exploratory 24-Hour Course with an Essential Herbal Kit (4 herbal remedies + 1 homeopathic remedy).
This course can be delivered over 6 consecutive days.
And Lastly... A present from "Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and their Elves":
The Third Course is a "Super Special"!
Our 30-Hour Super Accelerated Non-Surgical Voice Repair Course for an Exclusive Price with NO TAX!!
Also, it includes our Advanced Herbal Voice Repair Kit consisting of 6 products (+1 homeopathic remedy) Free of Charge (a value of over $300).
Vocal Science™… Life With Voice! Strained Vocal Cords driven to such a disorder as Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD):
Restoring and building tomorrow's healthy voices!
"If you could do it alone, you would have done it already"
- States weight loss guru, Harvey Brooks.
The truth of the matter and satisfactory results are our biggest ambition!!
Our Goal:
To bring any voice matter (and in general), to a very successful conclusion and, mainly… without any delays!
We pay attention to the minutest details in order to reach the most desirable results and, nevertheless, to make it due in as short as possible time!
Witness a select few success stories from our Non-Surgical Voice Repair Courses, powered by the Vocal Science™ Method!
Cedric H. - Sulcus Vocalis Suffer - Voice Recovery Video:
Zelda A - Spasmodic Dysphonia Sufferer - Before & After Voice Recovery Video:
Dr. Vera C.'s Non-Surgical Voice Repair Journey:
Tory J.: Asthma and VCD being Treated and Cured by Vocal Science™ Speech Development Method:
Mark S. of Texas USA Sharing His Feedback After 10 Days of Non-Surgical Voice Repair:
Milana K. - Witness Milana's Testimonial After & Before 10 Hours of Instruction and Treatment...:
Proven, Tested and Tried Non-Surgical Voice Repair for Treating Various Voice Disorders.
Vocal Science™ Method Advocating Forensic Science!
Vocal Science™ Method - FORENSIC Science, that we use for one-of-a-kind (very much in-depth and very detailed) Non-Surgical Voice Repair, which undoubtedly provides complete voice recovery and voice restoration for anyone who needs it...
BREAKING NEWS! AEROSMITH Cancel Their Rescheduled Shows and thus, Apparently Retired from the Stage!
Steven Tyler and Aerosmith just announced that, due to his vocal cord damage being permanent (as determined by Doctors), he and Aersomith will now retire from touring and all subsidiary performances.
Read more here.
We Would Like to Hear Your Opinion on The Documentary named 'I AM: Celine Dion'.
On June 25th, 2024 the 'I AM: Celine Dion' Documentary was released on Amazon Prime
We ourselves watched it, and also, read a lot of reviews and opinions about it.
We would be interested in hearing your opinion about it, and once we do, we will reveal our opinion about it.
Our Motto:
We treat the person,
And not just the voice!
The truth of the matter and satisfactory results are our biggest ambition!!
Our Goal:
To bring any voice matter (and in general), to a very successful conclusion and, mainly… without any delays!
We pay attention to the minutest details in order to reach the most desirable results and, nevertheless, to make it due in a short possible time!
Vocal Science™ Who We Are: Natural, Holistic, Alternative Practitioners Without Borders.
We are proud of our latest success' and of our 40 years (and counting) of success overall!
Holistic Diagnostics and Non-Surgical Voice Repair Coupled with Natural Herbal and Homeopathic Treatments.
We specialize and advocate:
- Anatomy of speaking/singing
- Psychology of the Total Voice Performance
We can help you with any voice/vocal problems while advocating our revolutionary approach to voice/vocal mechanics!
We employ very unique in its nature voice/vocal technique which immensely helps speakers and singers realize their goals.
We are not offering useless speech or singing exercises; those very unique exercises are directly applicable to the person's needs. We offer our students/clients to learn a completely new application of the speaking and/or singing voice.
The above, nonetheless, would help to release the vocal cords and the vocal anatomy as a whole from the harmful pressure of the sound.
That is what we call a vocal rest...!
Conventional voice coaches, as well as ENT specialists, usually suggest to a voice disorder sufferer(s) to stop talking altogether and concurrently embark on what they call “Vocal Rest”...
For example, if your car was broken, would you put it in the garage while hoping that it would magically fix itself...?
I would not imagine so…
The car would definitely need mechanical (and possibly body) work to be done in order for the car to start running again and therefore, be able to take you to places of your choice.
However, since the 2020 Pandemic, we, at The Royans Professional Vocal School, decided to offer our Natural Herbal Voice Repair Kits to our clients by forwarding those Kits to their place of residence.
We have nothing but very positive feedback from those who we had already sent those very potent and powerful remedies, carefully and thoroughly selected by us personally.
We, from our side, explained to each and every one of those inquirers who have been interested in our herbal voice repair kits, that those herbal remedies would exponentially treat their vocal anatomy.
In fact, recently speaking on the phone with one of our herbal kit recipients, I was absolutely amazed at how much better and clearer her voice was sounding and how much more I could actually understand her.
When I spoke to this client for the first time, I could hardly understand her.
She happened to be a Spasmodic Dysphonia Sufferer from Tasmania (Australia).
Her SD disorder at that time appeared quite severe.
Speaking with her on the phone, I could almost perfectly understand her because her voice, after only a week of taking the remedies, started to sound much more projected and much more pronounced.
In our conversation, I explained to her that taking those herbal remedies is like preparing a perfect stage for a dancer or perfect ice for a skater.
Given the above, there is no doubt that it will be so much easier for a dancer or the skater to learn actually how to dance or to skate on perfectly treated respective surfaces.
Due to that, so to speak, pre-treatment, I even told her that the originally estimated by me 70 hours of instruction, would probably be now reduced to 50 hours of instruction - still however to be coupled with the same natural herbal treatment.
It is just the mechanical side of things that would need to be seriously addressed.
Please see below an e-mail that this client had sent me:
"Hello Diana,
I am feeling so much better and have just completed day seven!
My spasms have diminished almost entirely. Only had a few little spasms. So much more mucous has been expelled. My breathing is so much easier. I have had no sinus pain or headaches or migraine headaches. No swelling around my glands and throat. I also have/had no reflux.
My husband has noticed a big difference in my health and he says I look so much better. He has noticed when I speak that my voice is much smoother and no spasms. I am absolutely amazed at how wonderful these herbal remedies have worked. Words cannot express how good I am feeling and I am so much happier!
Kindest Regards
Our Non-Surgical Voice Repair Program has been developed close to 5 decades ago.
It is an "old-school" program and thus, CANNOT BE DELIVERED TO YOU REMOTELY!
Given that fact, we would kindly ask you to not ask us if we can work with you on Zoom, Skype, Facetime etc.
We do not do gimmicks, we are proud to provide you with the real deal!
Thank you!
Three Kinds of Herbal Kits are Available Now:
1. Essential Herbal Voice Repair Kit: 3 Herbal + 1 Homeopathic Products for $150 USD + tax, shipping & handling.
2. Advanced Natural Herbal Voice Repair Kit: 6 Herbal + 1 Homeopathic Products for $335 USD + tax, shipping & handling.
3. SUPREME Natural Herbal Voice Repair Kit: 8 Herbal + 1 Homeopathic Products for $500 USD - all taxes, packaging, shipping & handling ARE INCLUDED!
Have Problems with the Singing Voice…? Considering Speech Therapy to rectify it?
Needless to say that, for over four decades of my voice and voice repair business, I have been getting a lot of calls where I was asked if I am a registered speech therapist and if I accept insurance which would cover speech therapy and speech pathology.
A majority of those inquirers had already been through numerous conventional ENT doctors and speech therapists....
Read more here:
Vocally Speaking - Why Fix it if it ain't Broken?
But if it is...We are here to help rectify any voice/vocal problem and fix it Non-Surgically and Non-Invasively.ASK US HOW...
Find out more here.
EXCLAIM! Magazine - Diana Yampolsky, Master Voice Coach & Founder of
The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts:
What are the principles of your method, Vocal Science?
In terms of training and caring for their voices, what are some of the things
that you think singers should know?
Do you think that rock singers, many of whom don't have any training, are
doing something dangerous with all the yelling?
Read the answers to these questions in the link below:
Gabe H. of Maryland USA, speech and voice repair:
Feedback from Gabe After Express Introductory/Exploratory Course of 24 Hours:
“After coming to Toronto for voice repair with Diana, I am very happy with the results.
My voice is much clearer, my volume is better, and my lisp is gone!
Before coming, I could not speak with anything like this clarity and volume.
Thank you Diana and Vlad”
Gabe’s Post-Course Letter:
“I am extremely happy about what Diana did for me and would recommend you guys to anyone.
I am thinking that with the grace of God and by continuing to use good technique in speaking, my voice might be good enough for my goals… it has continued to be greatly improved since I left.
Thank you for the marvellous course last week.
I think that it has set me on a better path in many ways and if I need more help, I will definitely reach out!”
Our Comment In Short…
“Keep us posted on your developments, as we will be happy to watch you growing and thriving."
- Diana & Vlad”
3.5 Months Later, Gabe wrote to us and updated his after-course progress:
"Thanks for checking in. I would say that my pitch is lower than in the past, on average. More importantly, my voice continues to get clearer, louder, and more reliable. Many people have noticed the difference.
Gabe came to us to fix his voice and work on his tone (which was quite high) to be able to Audition to the Catholic Seminary, and in the final analysis, to become a Catholic Priest.
We did everything in our power to make an "Angel Gabriel" out of him (junior).
Way to go Gabriel!
You have been indeed, our Angel student.
ESSENTIAL Non-Surgical Voice Repair Herbal Kit!
This Essential Herbal Kit consists of 3 very strong, natural and even Kosher products + 1 very strong homeopathic remedy, produced by one of the oldest US Herbal Companies named Nature's Sunshine.
For nearly 35 years, we have been proud associates with the aforementioned company.
We have been distributing their wonderful products all over the world for our potential and existing clients.
Those products play a very essential role in people's health in general and their voice in particular.
Besides our unique voice/vocal instruction powered by our own Vocal Science™ Method, they too play an instrumental role in voice recovery and restoration.
Now, (out of essential Nature Sunshine's products) we created a special non-surgical voice repair kit, which should be affordable for everyone.
The price for all of the described above is $150 USD with all the taxes, package, shipping & handling included.
For whoever orders this kit, for each and every remedy, we will provide detailed descriptions, and nevertheless, very detailed instructions customized for every individual who will "jump on board" with us.
Be advised that those remedies have medicinal properties in them, and therefore you will be required to fill out our questionnaire (which we will send you upon your request).
*The above is a limited-time offer and the price can be changed without notice.
Way To Go... Voice To Go! Vocal Science™ - Case Studies!
In the recent past, we had finished three non-surgical voice repair courses with people from out-of-town and out-of-country...
Vocally Speaking... Evidently, the Universe had spoken!
And that is how the Vocal Science™ Method was born...
Read more here:
The Royans School/Royans Institute...
Where did we come from and where are we now...?
1984…The Birth of The Royans Professional Vocal School AKA The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts!
Today is the 6th of April, 2024.
Diana Yampolsky & Rodney Ronquillo are celebrating both of their Birthdays!
In this celebration party is als Diana's assistant Vlad and Rodney's wife Cheryl Ronquillo.
We all gathered in an authentic Russian restaurant, truly enjoying the live music, conversation and food!
Diana and Rodney have known each other since 2022 when Rodney was only 28 years old, and came to Diana to learn how to sing.
Now he is a successful singer, composer and arranger.
By trade, he is a graphic designer.
Diana and Rodney have been enjoying each other's company and friendship for the last 22 years.
Below you will find the picture of all of us having the festivities of European Food, Music and a Wonderful Atmosphere.
Happy Birthday Rodney!
Now he is a big 50 and counting!
Way to go man!
Keep on rocking!
Vocal Science™: "Vocaholics" Anonymous - Get "Sober"... Reinvigorate Your Voice!!
Some time ago, after 30 hours of non-surgical voice repair, speaking and singing instruction and herbal treatment, we said saying goodbye to our New York client, John Polanco. With his permission, we would like to share his story with you, our readers....
Read more here:
Tory J. of Wisconsin USA, has been a sufferer of asthma and VCD (Vocal Cord Dysfunction) for several years.
Please see the open letter, written by Stacy Jax, of Wisconsin USA, regarding her Daughter Tory Jax, who underwent 40 hours of our unique instruction coupled with natural herbal and some homeopathic treatments in April 2023:
Here is our Speech and Singing Voice Repair Client Tory Jax from Wisconsin, USA performing "The Great Gig In The Sky" by Pink Floyd:
The Jax Family (Tim, Tory & Stacy)
Vocal Science™ Voice Repair: Feedback from Wenke L-G (Master of English) After 40 Hours Of Instruction and Natural Herbal Treatment - Conducted in the UK by Diana Yampolsky:
"Having just finished my second course in the UK with her, I can only say Diana is brilliant! I was treated by 2 supposedly brilliant ENT specialists and 2 different voice therapists before consulting her and have to say that Diana is the only one who made any difference whatsoever. I so regret that I wasn’t willing to spend the money for her course straight away."
Read more of Wenke's feedback here.
Vocal Science, Voice Repairs and Relationships… How do they Correlate between each other?
"...In 1987, the school changed its name and profile and became the world-renowned, The Royans Professional Vocal School, specializing in singing, speech and non-surgical voice repair.
So generally speaking, the school henceforth specialized primarily in voice, and in whichever shape or form it does reflect the identity of a specific human being and defines the state of one's being..."
Read more of our informative blog here.
We're Proud of Our Past and are Presently Working Hard to Assure Even Greater Success in the Foreseeable Future...
Read our latest blog dedicated to our 40th Anniversary of The Royans Professional Vocal School.
Thursday, February 15th was the 40th Anniversary of The Royans Professional Vocal School, a Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair.
Due to that (and Valentine's Day), we have our special promotion of receiving 24 hours of instruction for the price of 20 hours of instruction.
Today (Friday, February 16th) is the last day to claim this special:
Today is the 40th Anniversary of The Royans Professional Vocal School, a Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair!
Read more about our school's history below.
From Friday, February 9th to Friday, February 16th:
Starting this Friday, February 9th, you will be able to obtain the EMERGENCY 24-Hour Course for the Price of the 20-Hour EXPRESS Course.
Call us at 416-857-8741 or email us at or to inquire about this limited-time special.
Vocal Science™ Delivering (In-Person) to the Online World…
Vocally speaking, that is exactly what The Royans Professional Vocal School and The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair do and advocate.
We are about to celebrate our 40th anniversary since we first opened our doors (February 15th, 1984)...
Read more of our informative blog here.
Gabe H. of Maryland USA, speech and voice repair:
Feedback from Gabe After Express Introductory/Exploratory Course of 24 Hours:
“After coming to Toronto for voice repair with Diana, I am very happy with the results.
My voice is much clearer, my volume is better, and my lisp is gone!
Before coming, I could not speak with anything like this clarity and volume.
Thank you Diana and Vlad”
Gabe’s Post-Course Letter:
“I am extremely happy about what Diana did for me and would recommend you guys to anyone.
I am thinking that with the grace of God and by continuing to use good technique in speaking, my voice might be good enough for my goals… it has continued to be greatly improved since I left.
Thank you for the marvellous course last week.
I think that it has set me on a better path in many ways and if I need more help, I will definitely reach out!”
Our Comment In Short…
“Keep us posted on your developments, as we will be happy to watch you growing and thriving."
- Diana & Vlad”
3.5 Months Later, Gabe wrote to us and updated his after-course progress:
"Thanks for checking in. I would say that my pitch is lower than in the past, on average. More importantly, my voice continues to get clearer, louder, and more reliable. Many people have noticed the difference.
Gabe came to us to fix his voice and work on his tone (which was quite high) to be able to Audition to the Catholic Seminary, and in the final analysis, to become a Catholic Priest.
We did everything in our power to make an "Angel Gabriel" out of him (junior).
Way to go Gabriel!
You have been indeed, our Angel student.
Supreme Herbal Voice Repair Kit + A Choice of Unprecedented Services
We offer you not just a magic pill.
But we actually offer you the real deal!
We also offer our technical support for any of your voice/vocal problems, issues and disorders.
Along with the above, we offer 30/40 hours of our very unique instruction powered by the Vocal Science™ Method coupled with natural herbal and some homeopathic treatments.