• Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • We provide both preventive and non-operative voice care and maintenance.
  • We offer 4-5 day Super Accelerated Vocal Immersion Courses and Non-Surgical
  • We Can Travel to You to Fix Your Voice!
  • Get your lifetime "Vocal Assurence" Today. Guaranteed to protect your voice.
  • World renouned results in the voice field; based on 30 years of proven science!
  • Vocal Science is not just the Science of Today, it is the Science of the Future.

Gabe H. Voice Repair - UPDATE!

Gabe H. of Maryland USA, speech and voice repair: 

Feedback from Gabe After Express Introductory/Exploratory Course of 24 Hours: 

“After coming to Toronto for voice repair with Diana, I am very happy with the results. 

My voice is much clearer, my volume is better, and my lisp is gone! 

Before coming, I could not speak with anything like this clarity and volume.

Thank you Diana and Vlad”


Gabe’s Post-Course Letter:

“I am extremely happy about what Diana did for me and would recommend you guys to anyone. 

I am thinking that with the grace of God and by continuing to use good technique in speaking, my voice might be good enough for my goals… it has continued to be greatly improved since I left.

Thank you for the marvellous course last week.

I think that it has set me on a better path in many ways and if I need more help, I will definitely reach out!”

Our Comment In Short… 

“Keep us posted on your developments, as we will be happy to watch you growing and thriving."

- Diana & Vlad”

3.5 Months Later, Gabe wrote to us and updated his after-course progress: 

"Thanks for checking in. I would say that my pitch is lower than in the past, on average. More importantly, my voice continues to get clearer, louder, and more reliable. Many people have noticed the difference.

Gabe came to us to fix his voice and work on his tone (which was quite high) to be able to Audition to the Catholic Seminary, and in the final analysis, to become a Catholic Priest. 

We did everything in our power to make an "Angel Gabriel" out of him (junior).
Way to go Gabriel!
You have been indeed, our Angel student.