• Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • Singing Lessons, Vocal Coaching, Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Based out of Toronto
  • We provide both preventive and non-operative voice care and maintenance.
  • We offer 4-5 day Super Accelerated Vocal Immersion Courses and Non-Surgical
  • We Can Travel to You to Fix Your Voice!
  • Get your lifetime "Vocal Assurence" Today. Guaranteed to protect your voice.
  • World renouned results in the voice field; based on 30 years of proven science!
  • Vocal Science is not just the Science of Today, it is the Science of the Future.

Elizabeth Hines - C.N.C., C.B.P.,

Former Spasmodic Dysphonia sufferer-Holistic Wellness Practitioner

"A Christmas miracle. Last night I was able to sing Christmas carols at church for the first time in years without a strangled voice. The non surgical voice repair exercises have really paid off.

Thank you Diana.
Merry Christmas."